Most women including my self, often times don't see ourselves as "perfect". But before going through the drastic measures of plastic surgery, I would consider reading up on post-surgeries incidents and fatality statistics. Here's a story I came across that turned my stomach a little.
A family was recently awarded over $1.95 million in damages in an alleged malpractice case. The lawsuit involves cosmetic surgery that took a fatal turn.
Miss Lopez like many mothers, who opted for plastic surgery to make herself feel more attractive after having children. The 36-year old mother of four elected to have a breast life and augmentation, liposuction, and a tummy tuck. Just one hour after her operation, Ms Lopez was sent home, despite that she was allegedly having trouble breathing. In the words of her family's lawyer Kenneth Wills, she was "wisked out the door".
Supposedly, Ms Lopez was not only having breathing problems, she was also experiencing dizziness, fever, problems concentrating, and difficulty moving, following the surgery performed by Dr. Matthew Galumbeck. The next day her sister reportedly called the nurse out of concern over Ms Lopez's symptoms, but according to Mr. Wills, no one followed up. That evening, Ms Lopez's daughter found her mother lying in bed, unresponsive.
Based on the autopsy, she died of aspiration pneumonia, which was the result of the contents from her stomach traveling into her esophagus and down her trachea into her lungs.
What did Dr. Galumbeck have to say about the situation? He testified that his patient, Ms Lopez did not have any complications during the operation. The doctor said that he reviewed her medical records before she left the recovery room, and did not notice any signs of distress.
Dr. Galumbecks attorney argued that his client did not violate the standards of care. Mr. Wills put it differently-----"What matters in this case is that the lady had plastic surgery, she was ignored, and she died."
Now my nose may not be the slimmest, and my breasts may not be that of an 18-year olds, BUT I CAN LIVE WITH IT!